You are being told that there is a sweet 15 party and then being asked: what are you doing now (que haces ahora), what are your favorite foods (platos favoritos) and what drinks do you like the best (bebidas)
The grammar about the questions/etc...isn't great because it should read: Estas en una quinceañera. ¿ Que haces ahora? ¿ Que son tus platos favoritos y que son las bebidas que te gustan más?
But, you could answer with something like (assuming it would be your quinceañera):
Yo estoy bailando en lo que preparan la comida (I am dancing while the food is being prepared). Mis platos favoritos son pollo frito y espagueti con albondigas (my favorite foods are fried chicken and spaghetti and meatballs). Mis bebidas favoritas son jugos de fruita (my favorite drinks are fruit juices.