Respuesta :

Here are some of the guidelines which may assist sop authors in writing instructions that are easy to read and follow:
1. focus on the objective
2. apply the army writing standard
3. take the characteristics of the intended audience into consideration

In order to write easy-to-read instructions, an SOP author should consider the following:

  • Format and method: there are different formats, and templates to choose from and follow. Some examples may be simple step format, hyerarchy steps format, etc.
  • Audience: take into consideration your audience's previous knowledge and language ability. Also consider the size of the audience.
  • Purpose: Consider what the SOP is useful for, and what kind of information it is going to collect.
  • Length of the SOP: decide the length of the SOP, whether it should be a short, checklist type format, or a longer format if your audience is familiar with the procedure.