Suggest two practical solutions for each of the four youth risk behaviour you have chosen can be addressed or prevented

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Four youth risk behavior and two practical solutions:

1. Drinking and drug use:  

  • Join positive activities such as sports group or youth group
  • find a better group of friends

2. Unhealthy diet

  • Introduce them to a healthy choice of food
  • Exercising and more outdoor activities

3. Speeding/Careless driving  

  • Manage stable emotion especially when on the road
  • Improve driving skill

4. Less physical exercise

  • Join a sports club or youth club
  • Limited screen and gadget time by joining other positive activities

Further Explanation

Risky behaviors are activities that have a significant risk of harm which will prevent someone from reaching their potential. Some of the risky behaviors are alcohol, drug uses, unhealthy diet, smoking, violence, bullying, speeding, less physical exercise, and sexual assault.

Risky behavior can be prevented by open communication in the family and community, be clear about the consequences of risky behaviors, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support if need it. It is better for a young person to join positive activities after schools, such as youth club, art group, sports group, music, and other activities so they can learn new things and be a part of a community, it is also will boost young people's self-discipline and self-confidence.  

Learn more

Risky behavior

Type of risky behavior

Teenager problem

Answer details

Grade: High School

Subject: PO (Health)

Keywords: risky behavior, preventing risky behavior, practical solution

Four type of risky behavior among youngsters with two practical solution are;

Tobacco use, smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs consumption

1. A youngster should be educated about the ill effects.

2. An individual generally falls into such habits due to peer pressure so it should be made sure that the ward has good friends.

Unprotected sex

1. Sex education should be made compulsory in schools.

2. Parents should be open to the sexual changes their child is facing and make sure that they guide him/her towards the practice of safe protected sex.

Driving at high speed or driving under influence of alcohol.

1. Driving should be permitted if the youngster has crossed the allowed age for driving.

2. Proper driving license and training; with the ill-effects of driving under influence of drugs and alcohol should be made known to him.

Unhealthy lifestyle.

1. Youths should be motivated to maintain a regular health exercise regime.

2. Concept of ‘eat healthy’ should be introduced.

Further Explanation:

Behavior is the kind of act or a deed done by an individual someone which may have impact on others life.

Risky behavior mostly seen in teenagers is the steps taken or deed done by them that makes them prone to some negative impacts. Behavior like violence, smoking, drinking alcohol, drug use, etc. may count as a risk behavior.

Youth or teenagers are more prone to risky behavior than a mature individual. As a teen the body is going through a variety of changes which makes the individual to make more risky and impulsive decisions.

Other than the solution mentioned above; the following can help to tackle risky behavior,

a. Understanding that every child is unique in them is the first step that makes the youth comfortable and the key to establish a good communication.

b. Youths should know what the realities of engaging in an bad activity are. He/she should be explained the realities with an example that would make the picture clear in his head.

c. It is know that discussing the risky behavior of drugs and alcohol tends to bring down the future chances of use. Discussion invokes a clear mindset about the ill effects of the use and abuse.

d. A little discipline and fear of consequences is a dire need in order to make sure that the youths are on right track.

e. “Prevention is better than cure/ill consequences” holds true in this case. Letting the youth know the consequences and helping him to practice caution is a advised.

f. Physical exercises are known to reduce the chances of the child to be prone to the conditions such as stress, depression, etc.

g. Accepting mistakes and giving chances for improval, is advised. No one is perfect so expecting mistakes from a child is inevitable.

h. “A family that eats together stays together” holds true. It is known fact that parents due to their job sometimes tend to ignore the needs of the youth of teenagers. This builds a communication barrier so making sure that parents take out some time from their schedule to talk is advisable.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about combating risky behavior

2. Learn more about types of risky behavior

3. Learn more about emotional effects of risky behavior

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Chapter: Risky behavior in youths


Risky behavior, challenges, youths, youngsters, impulsive decisions, discipline, consequences, family, friends, peer pressure.