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At right angles to each other, it is important to take at least two films (or two views) of the specified anatomical area since you might see things in one view that you would not see in the other since two views give two different perspectives if
Moving them multiple times could cause severe discomfort or pain if the animal is severely injured in small animal medicine.
It is essential to know that as a radiograph is a 2-D impression of a 3-D composition, the veterinary professional must produce at least two films of the similar region. The film should be at perpendicular to each other. In case of the X-ray of a limb, at certain occasions, the veterinarian demands the X-ray of the opposite limb as well, so that the comparison between the two limbs can be made and the pathological compositions can be located.
The only exemption to this rule in small animal medicine is when the animal is extremely injured, so much that it cannot be handled into the position. In case when extreme trauma has taken place, the patient is usually placed in lateral recumbency in order to ensure their comfort, and so that no further injury can take place during the procedure.