Respuesta :

Poverty is a fast spreading epidemic, there are many reasons as to why poverty is overcoming the world however, here are just a few reasons as to why this is happening! Number one: Unemployment. Society is built on strong people and glorifying how strong you are, and how you look. Most people who have been unemployed for a while don't look the best if they are homeless. Therefor managers won't really hire them (most of the times). Number two: Lack of skills. A lot of people these days don't want to get out and try no things, or major in anything. When they don't try new things, or want to learn anything then they have a lack of skills which is exactly what jobs are looking for! Number 3: Social skills. Nowadays people are constantly on their mobile devises and contact others via skype or other online networks. This causes people to be anti social which is another leading factor to not being employed! Lastly: Edducation. Some people who do not attend college have a less chance of get a well paying job, and chances are they will lose a job within a few jobs and will be unemployed until they find another that pays enough to stay alive. 

Above are just a few of the many leading causes to poverty! Education,unemployment,social skills, and lack of skills are the main leading causes to this ongoing epidemic.

~I hope this helped you!

I am, yours most sincerely,
Joshua A. Bunn
Above are just a few of the many leading causes to poverty! Education,unemployment,social skills, and lack of skills are the main leading causes to this ongoing epidemic.