You and your best friend Sam are shopping together at the mall. She asks you to follow her into the changing room. She closes the door and says, “You remember that shirt I wore to the game last Friday? Here’s how I got it. She pulls the tags off a new shirt, puts it on, and puts her own shirt on over it. “It’s so easy. I’ve done it a million times,” she tells you. “They never even keep track of what you take into the dressing room. And my friend Michelle used to work here, so I know they don’t have sensors at the door. Oh, and Michelle said they have so much merchandise left over each season they have to box it up and send it to the outlet mall, where they basically give it away for free anyway. That shirt looks so great on you! You should just do it. Nobody’s going to care.”
1. How would you phrase your response to Sam to send a clear message that you believe shoplifting is wrong, and you’re not going to do it? Write a one-sentence response.
2. What are three other ways you can reinforce your message when you’re saying no?
3. Write a one-sentence explanation of the consequences of shoplifting to Sam, using the following questions as a guide:
A. How will my choice affect me both now and in the future?
B. How will my choice affect others?
C. Does my choice contribute to a healthy lifestyle?