
What effect does a small number of wild dogs have on the rabbit population

Respuesta :

The fewer the wild dogs, the more rabbits there will be, since wild dogs are rabbits' preditors.


Effect does a small number of wild dogs have on the rabbit population is : Predation, which reduce rabbit population, this will lead to a loss of food source for other animals that are using rabbits as their food source, but wild dogs may kill preys (rabbits)  they won't eat as normal predator's behavior ‘surplus killing’.

(this is explained more below).


  • Predation:  feeding behavior happens when one organism (the predator), kills and eats another organism( the prey).

        In this case: dog is the predator and rabbit is the prey.

  • Sometimes wild dogs (predators) kill for fun! :
  1. This means killing animals that they won't eat.
  2. This is a common behavior of many predators around the world.
  3. This is called ‘surplus killing’
  4. The reason is : Wild dogs are ‘programmed’ to chase and kill things that run away, so many surplus killings might occur simply because wild dogs see something fleeing.
  5. killing wildlife not because they need to eat, but because it is normal predator behavior.

  • Wild dogs predate rabbits  and this can drive its populations to the brink of extinction.

  • Learn more about :


  • keywords: wild dogs\ rabbits \ predator \ pray \ predation \ surplus killing.