The town of rock river decides to put a new road through the middle of town to increase tourist traffic. in order to build the road, they must tear down a number of buildings. they send a note to the building owners telling them to vacate the premises within 24 hours or their possessions will be destroyed when the buildings are torn down. it is likely that the town has violated which provision of the constitution?

Respuesta :

The answer is the due process clause.  Due process deals with the running of justice and therefore the due process clause acts as a protection from subjective denial of life, liberty, or property by the Government outside the sanction of law. The Supreme Court of the United States understands the clauses more broadly because these clauses provide four protections: procedural due process (in civil and criminal proceedings), substantive due process, a prohibition against vague laws, and as the vehicle for the incorporation of the Bill of Rights. Due process ensures the rights and fairness of all citizens.