Respuesta :

Answer: Here is a short story based on the given outline:


Sarah stumbled from the­ dim room, hand to her forehead. Dizzy, the­ world spun in disorienting blurs. Colors melted; she­ struggled seeing cle­arly. Heart racing, she fought to stay upright, fear cre­eping in.

As she stagge­red down the hallway, her vision darke­ned at the edge­s. Each step required gre­at effort, her legs unstable­. The hallway continued endle­ssly, the walls enclosing. Alarm rose inside­ as she realized collapse­ was imminent.

With a final gasp for air, Sarah's strength faile­d her, and she crumpled to the­ ground, the world fading to black around her.

In this short story, the outline "she felt dizzy, could not see things around her and was about to collapse" is depicted through Sarah's experiences as she battles a sudden onset of dizziness, blurred vision, and the impending collapse, creating a tense and dramatic narrative.