3. **Select and Copy Text:** Use the keyboard shortcut to select the desired text (typically Ctrl + A to select all or use the arrow keys to navigate) and then copy it (Ctrl + C).
4. **Import Images:** Use the keyboard shortcut to place images into the InDesign file (Ctrl + D), then navigate to and select the image files you want to import.
5. **Save the File:** Save your InDesign file using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + S) to ensure your progress is saved.
6. **Print the Layout:** To print, use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + P), which will open the Print dialog. Adjust print settings as needed and proceed with printing.
7. **Close the File:** Finally, close the InDesign file using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + W) or (Ctrl + Q) to exit the application.
These shortcuts can enhance Ray's workflow in Adobe InDesign.