Numbers with different numbers of digits are never equal. The other answers simply aren't true. This answer states a fact, there is no way to make 620 with more or less than 3 digits. Therefore, it can never be equal to any number with more or less digits. If we look at the other answers we can find how inaccurate they are; such as, the more digits you have typically means the number is larger (i.e. 620 is larger than 62). Just because the ones slot is larger in 62 than in 71 does mean that 62 is larger than 71. Finally, if you have equal digits you could have anywhere from 10 to an inifinite amount of different combinations making an incredibly low chance of getting an equal number (i.e. 9 and 1 are not equal yet have the same digits, same with 6245 and 8965)