Who was Abraham; describe his significance, journey, and covenant? In addition, how did Hebrew people come to live in Egypt and how did their relationship change over time? Furthermore what was the Exodus, when did it occur, who led it; and what were the results/effects?

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Abraham, known as the father of the Jewish people, was a significant figure in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. His journey, starting in Ur and then to Canaan, was based on a covenant with God, promising him descendants and land.
The Hebrews' descent into Egypt is attributed to Joseph, Abraham's great-grandson, who gained high status in Egypt. Over time, the Hebrews became numerous, and the Egyptians enslaved them.
The Exodus, led by Moses around the 13th century BCE, was the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. It resulted in the wandering in the desert for 40 years and receiving the Ten Commandments, forming a foundational part of their identity and faith.