Think in terms of food, sports, transportation, weather, population, celebrations, and demographics. How is your culture similar to Mexican culture? How is it different? Use details from what you have learned to help Jordan prepare for the trip, and have fun!

Before you write, take notes on these questions to help guide your writing. Be sure to include an introductory sentence and a sign-off in your letter.

A) What are the three most interesting things you have learned about Mexico?




B) What are three aspects of Mexican culture that are similar to your culture in the United States?




C) What are three aspects of Mexican culture that are different from your culture in the United States?




Now, here is a guide for your letter. Feel free to use the format if it's helpful, but make it your own.

Hola Jordan,

It's so cool that you get to visit Mexico. I found some very interesting things about living there. Did you know...? (Describe 3 items from list A).

Some things in Mexico can be very different from how you or I live in the United States. For example, (Describe 3 items from list B).

Otherwise, just like my family and I, we do many things the same. For example, (Describe 3 items from list C).

Have a great trip! Bring me back a souvenir!


(Your name)

You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of cultural knowledge from section A,B, and C of the outline (b) completeness and detail of the response, and (c) overall quality of the writing in a letter format