You will want to identify the type of soil you have. Is it sandy or clay soil? Sandy soil feels gritty and it is easy to dig. Clay soil is smooth and sticky, it is easy to dig when wet but difficult to dig when dry. Which type of soil do you think would be ideal for plant growth? Why? Think of some of the biomes you have learned about through the course, which might have sandy soil? Clay? Take a look at the creatures you found in the soil. Would you be able to divide the creatures in to groups? Create a dichotomous key to help you identify the creatures. If you are unable to name the creature, create your own unique name for them. Does soil have its own unique ecosystem? How would you describe it? What might be some of the interactions within the ecosystem? Consider the interactions you have learned about throughout the course. What abiotic and biotic factors would influence the quality of your soil? Do these factors fluctuate?