1.A business that is for-profit has a structure that allows it to have profit even after it pays the expenses it takes to make the product. Non-profit businesses have a structure that makes sure it benefits society more so than the business, it also has tax exempts.
2.A.That businesses should be active participants in society. To be productive in this trend is to give employees days off to volunteer and help their communities
b. this business is environment friendly and makes sure to make products that don't hurt the environment. Using recyclable materials and having recycling bins in the workspace so employees can recycle in the workplace and be eco friendly.
c. globalization is the trend of having your products being made in other countries and doing trade with other countries. Using products made in other countries to support such products.
d. technology allows business to have more flexibility and the ability to do work even when not in the workplace, you can even work at home and still more than you would at work.