Conner Leonard worked for Purges Manufacturing for 32 years. Along with four other men, he helped to start the company that designed and built products sold around the world. Purges Manufacturing grew and did very well, so well, in fact, that other companies wanted to buy it out. The company was sold three times in 12 years. Each time, Conner held onto his job. He was no longer helping in the design process and had a more difficult time feeling pride in all the parts now made in another country where labor was cheap. Another buyout was looming. Conner knew he might be outsourced. What kind of grief is Conner feeling? Justify your response.

Write one well-written paragraph and answer the above questions to earn 10 points.

Respuesta :

Conner Leonard is likely experiencing a sense of disenfranchised grief. After dedicating 32 years to Purges Manufacturing and being one of the founding members, Conner invested not just his time but also his passion and identity into the company's success. However, the successive buyouts and outsourcing of labor have eroded the connection Conner once felt to the company and its products. He may be grieving the loss of his role in the design process, the shift in manufacturing practices to other countries, and the potential loss of his job due to outsourcing. This form of grief is compounded by feelings of powerlessness and disillusionment as he witnesses the transformation of the company he helped build into something unrecognizable. Conner's grief reflects a loss not only of his job security but also of his sense of purpose and pride in his work.

You aren't actually giving 10 points only 5 points.