is (3,2) a solution to the system y-x=1 and -3x-2y=5?

No, because (3,2) is a solution to only one equation.

Yes, because (3,2) is a solution to both equations.

Yes, because (3,2) is a solution to one equation.

No, because (3,2) is a solution to neither equation.

Respuesta :


Step-by-step explanation:


A Jelly-Fish  Moore Visible, invisible,a fluctuating charm1an amber-tinctured amethyst

2 inhabits it, your armapproaches and it opens

3 and it closes; you had meantto catch it and it quivers;

4 you abandon your intent

1.Moore describes the jellyfish using a metaphor, "a fluctuating charm" to give it sort of a magical,positive feeling.

.2.The jellyfish is described again in the form of a metaphor, calling it "an amber-tincturedamethyst". This adds onto the feeling of awe that the jelly fish brings with it to the reader.

3.The use of the word "approaches" adds a sense of suspense to the moment the narratorreaches out to the jellyfish making it not only seem more magical, but more mysterious as well.

4.By implementing the word "quivers", the tone of the poem shifts from a magical light mood to acautious, serious one.

5.The use of the word "abandonment" contributes an empty feeling to the poem, showing a senseof dillusionment

6.The author's word choice in the last line of the poem "you abandon your intent" cements adangerous tone as the narrator comes to their senses and retracts their hand. Not only does thisshow a sense of disillusionment, but supports a theme that sometimes the most attractive thingsin life are the most dangerous

Sometimes the most attractive things in life are also the most dangerous. The poem "AJelly-Fish" by Marianne Moore supports this theme through a shifting tone and impactful wordchoice. The poem is about a person who, intrigued by the creatures beauty, extends a hand outto touch it but quickly comes to their senses and changes their mind. The tone of the poembegins as magical with the use of metaphors to describe the jelly fish like "a fluctuating charm"and "an amber-tinctured amethyst". However the tone abruptly shifts to a more cautious, seriousone when it "quivers" and the author abandons its intent.