Exam Content
As a crime analyst, you will conduct research in criminology and use the data that you find to explain fundamental theories on
the causes of criminal behavior. Crime analyst teams frequently use evidence-based theories to study crime, integrate research
and theory, and discuss their findings using written and verbal communication to determine patterns and make crime-prevention
A team conducting a strategic analysis of changes in recent crime in your state has asked you to give a presentation to an affected
community. They have asked for your help using evidence-based theories to interpret the criminal behavior and reveal potential
patterns that can be used to inform crime-prevention efforts.
Select data or an event that occurred in your state within the past 12-24 months involving charges for a particular type of crime.
You can use the interactive Data Analyzer from the U.S. Sentencing Commission to view data on crimes by federal offenders or view
the FBIs What We Investigate press release search tool on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) website to locate violent crime
events in the news. Align your chosen crime to a school of thought or criminology theory presented so far in this course that
explains the criminal behavior.
Assessment Deliverable
Using real-life information from your state about a crime of your choice, create a 10-to 12-slide presentation for the affected
community, as if you were a crime analyst explaining fundamental theories on the causes of the recent criminal behavior.
Include the following in your analysis of the criminal behavior using an evidence-based theory:
- Explain at least 2 of the school of thought or criminology theory's key principles. Include any assumptions underlying
the development of the theory or give relevant examples that show how to interpret the theory.
-Defend why your selected school of thought or criminology theory is the best explanation for the selected criminal
behavior exhibited in the data or event.
Cite at least 2 scholarly sources in your presentation as evidence to support your explanation. At least 1 source should show the
data about the crime you selected.
Formatting Requirements
Download and review the Presentation Template Example. This example has been customized to reflect your summative
assessment presentation components and will help you get a better idea of how to organize your presentation so that you can
focus on the slide content. Inputting your content into this presentation template is optional you can use presentation software
and design layouts of your choice to customize your presentation's appearance (.e. color, images, and font). However, ensure you
have faculty member approval in advance to use other software.
Whether you use the presentation template example or another template of your choice, include the following slides and topics in
your presentation:
- Title
- Introduction
• Example of recent data or event
School of thought or recent criminology theory for this case
-School of thought or theory key principles
• Theoretical explanation of criminal behavior
. Conclusion
- References
• Presentation recording link (if recording using video software)