Read the below scenario. Using resources available to you, prepare a written response to the discussion question(s). Be prepared to discuss and defend your answer in class. Scenario You run a small, non-profit business that distributes fresh fruits and vegetables to people in nearby food deserts. Your business mission is to “provide the best foods, for the lowest cost, to those who most need it.” In order to achieve your mission, you have partnered with two local farms that grow at least 90% organic crops, who sell their “ugly” fruits and vegetables to you at a largely discounted rate. You then share this savings with your customers. Recently, however, one of the farms decided to reduce its organic produce production by 20% and to use semi-organic pesticides, to save money. The farm is still offering you the same amount and discount on its product whether it is “ugly” or not. Think about how the reduction in supplied organic produce impacts your business strategy, marketing, and ability to accomplish the mission of your business. Glossary Terms Food desert: An area where it is difficult to buy affordable/quality fresh foods. Organic: Crops grown without or with severely limited pesticide or chemical use. Pesticides: Chemical that kill insects/bugs that feed on or invade crops. “Ugly” fruits and vegetables: Healthy and safe to eat, but imperfect in some way. COMPLETED 1 OUT OF 4 QUESTIONS. Discussion Questions Question 1 of 4 Is food certified as organic healthier than non-organic food? Explain your answer.