(100 POINTS!!!!!!!!!! Please do this assignment for me)In this assignment, you will research the connection between physics and a career in satellite technology.
Aerospace engineers and technicians apply physics concepts during the design and launch phases of a
siltellite to ensure that the satellites properly orbit Earth. Satellite technology is applied in a variety of
areas including global positioning systems, communications systems, weather satellites, and spacecraft.
Using reference materials and Internet sites, you will collect information about one area of satellite
technology, citing the physics concepts applied in that specific area of research. You will then present
your findings in a multimedia presentation, which should include a title slide, a number of content slides
that include specific information about the career, and a works cited slide.

Step 1: Gather materials and necessary information.
a) You will collect information about a satellite technology career, including:
Education needed, emphasizing specific types of physics courses
Special training and skills needed
Types of employers
Average salary
Duties or nature of the work
Physics concepts applied in the work
• Long-term outlook for career growth
b) Search online for "careers using satellite technology." Look for reliable resources that end in edu
or •gov.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is also a great resource for this project.
c) Be sure to keep a list of your references so you can cite them properly later.
d) Ask your teacher where you should save your presentation as you work on it. Your teacher may
also have specific guidelines about the file name you should use.
Step 2: Create your title slide.
A) Begin by creating the title slide. On this slide, include the name of the career in large font, an
image appropriate to the career, your name, your teacher's name, and the due date of the
b) Remember to save your work as you go.
Step 3: Create your content slides.
A) On these slides, present the necessary education for your chosen area of satellite technology,
any special training and skills required, the types of employers that hire in this area, the average
salary that can be earned, the typical duties or nature of the work, the physics concepts applied in
this area, and the long-term outlook for career growth.

Step 4: Cite your sources.
A) Create a slide titled Works Cited.
b) On this Slide, create a list of the resources you used to complete your research. A simple list of
website titles and addresses (URLs) Is acceptable. If you used print sources, list the title, author,
publisher, city, and date.
Step 5: Evaluate your presentation using this checklist.
If you can check each criterion below, you are ready to submit your presentation.
Does your presentation include a title slide with the name of the career in large font, an image
appropriate to the career, your name, your teacher's name, and the due date of the presentation?
Does your presentation include information about the education needed for the career including
the specific types of physics courses needed?
Does your presentation include special training and skills needed for the career?
Does your presentation include the types of places that employ workers in the career?
Does your presentation include the average salary earned in the career?
Does your presentation include duties that need to be performed and the nature of the work in the
Does your presentation include physics concepts that are applied in the work?
Does your presentation include the long-term outlook for career growth?
Does your presentation include a works cited slide, including citations for all the sources you
Step 6: Revise and submit your presentation.
a) If you were unable to check off all the requirements on the checklist, revise your presentation andi
save it before submitting.
b) When you have completed your presentation, return to the virtual classroom and use the "Browse
for file" option to locate and submit your assignment. Congratulations! You have created a
multimedia presentation
c) Ask your teacher for further instructions about presenting your presentation to an audience of
your peers.

Respuesta :

Title Slide:

Title: Reaching Far and Wide: A Career as a Satellite Communications Engineer

Image: A satellite dish nestled against a backdrop of Earth and the Milky Way.

Name: [Your Name]

Teacher: [Teacher's Name]

Due Date: [Presentation Due Date]

Content Slide 1: Education and Training

Education: Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering or related field, emphasizing coursework in electromagnetism, signal processing, and communications theory. Master's degree may be preferred by some employers.

Special Training: Optional advanced training in satellite communications systems, radio frequency engineering, and software development.

Skills: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, proficiency in programming languages, teamwork, and excellent communication skills.

Content Slide 2: Employers and Salary

Employers: Satellite communications companies, aerospace manufacturers, government agencies (e.g., NASA), telecommunications companies, research institutions.

Salary: Median annual salary in the United States: $98,250 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023). Salary varies depending on experience, education, and employer.

Content Slide 3: Duties and Nature of Work

Designing and developing satellite communication systems: Analyzing signal requirements, choosing appropriate frequencies, planning satellite constellations, ensuring reliable signal transmission and reception.

Testing and troubleshooting satellite systems: Monitoring system performance, identifying and resolving technical issues, maintaining optimal signal quality.

Collaborating with other engineers and scientists: Working with teams to design, develop, and implement satellite communication systems.

Staying up-to-date with technological advancements: Continuously learning and adapting to new technologies in the satellite communications field.

Content Slide 4: Physics Concepts Applied

Orbital Mechanics: Calculating satellite trajectories, ensuring proper positioning for optimal signal coverage.

Electromagnetism: Understanding radio wave propagation, designing antennas and communication hardware.

Thermodynamics: Managing heat dissipation and temperature control in satellite systems.

Signal Processing: Analyzing and manipulating communication signals for efficient transmission and reception.

Content Slide 5: Career Outlook

Fast-growing field: Demand for satellite communication engineers is expected to grow faster than average due to increasing dependence on satellite technology for global communication, navigation, and data transmission.

Exciting opportunities: Potential involvement in groundbreaking projects like space exploration, disaster relief, and next-generation communication networks.

Continuous learning: Opportunity to stay at the forefront of technological innovation and contribute to advancements in satellite communication.

Works Cited Slide:

Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2023, May 19). Satellite Telecommunications Engineers. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/telecommunications-equipment-installers-and-repairers-except-line-installers.htm

European Space Agency. (n.d.). How do satellites work?


Federal Aviation Administration. (2023, November 16). Introduction to Satellite Communications. https://www.fcc.gov/general/satellite

This is just a sample, remember to customize it with details specific to your chosen area of satellite technology!