The correct answer is: ethical dilemmas.
Human services professionals must maintain both personal and professional boundaries with their clients and clients' families. For example, professionals should not engage in personal contact of any kind with clients, nor discuss private client Information with anyone outside of the agency. Not establishing proper boundaries or crossing those boundaries may result in ethical dilemmas.
An ethical dilemma is a situation in which a professional must choose between two or more courses of action, each of which has both positive and negative consequences. In the context of human services, ethical dilemmas can arise when a professional must decide whether to disclose confidential information about a client, or when a professional must choose between providing a client with the best possible care and adhering to agency policies.
Ethical dilemmas can be difficult to resolve, and there is no easy answer. However, it is important for human services professionals to be aware of the potential for ethical dilemmas, and to be prepared to address them in a thoughtful and ethical manner.