
Humans, monkeys, and other primates have more physical characteristics in common than they do with other mammals, like horses, dogs, or mice. These similarities are evidence for a more recent common ancestor among primates than between primates and other mammals. Think about the face, teeth, hands or feet, and offspring of primates, like humans, and of other mammals you may have encountered. Which of the following best describes contrasting physical characteristics between primates and other mammals?

A. Female primates can give birth to a larger number of offspring at once than most other mammals.
B. Other mammals have greater grasping ability than primates, since primates lack opposable thumbs.
C. The teeth of most primates are much larger in size than in other mammals.
D. Primates have larger, forward-facing eyes and smaller noses than most other mammals.

Respuesta :

Disposable thumbs, maybe? No other animals really have fingers, that can move move like humans.


Primates have larger, forward-facing eyes and smaller noses than most other mammals.
