Respuesta :
Hello! Sure thing! QBasic is an early version of BASIC that was designed for IBM's QuickBASIC and Ballmer's Interactive Developer (QID). It includes several features such as graphics capabilities; text mode; mouse support; sound playback through PC speaker; file input/output including disk I/O which makes it possible for users who don’t have access to more advanced programming languages like C++ or Java still create powerful applications using this software package. Here are four basic statements in QBASIC that every beginner should know:
1) PRINT : This command prints out text on screen without needing explicit line breaks within sentences unless explicitly desired by programmer using multiple lines instead (e.g., "Hello World!" would be printed all at once if only one line long but with multiple lines, each sentence would appear separately).
2) INPUT : Allows user input via keyboard, usually when creating dialog boxes asking for information from user (e.g., “Enter Your Name”), allowing programmers access to whatever value has been entered before continuing execution of code following instruction calling FOR...NEXT loop structures below.
3) FOR...NEXT loops allow programs to iterate over ranges of numbers – e.g., counting upwards from 1 to 10 – while performing some action on each number before moving onto next iteration; useful when working with arrays/lists containing large datasets where manual processing isn't feasible due time constraints (e.g., generating randomized list sizes).
4) IF THEN ELSE statements allow logical branching based upon conditions set forth within parentheses following keyword IF itself; useful when determining whether certain actions ought take place under specific circumstances (e.g., check box selection status prior launching application).