Formula using a boxplot
Minimum = the lowest element of set
First Quartile = (n+1)/4
Median = (n+1)/2
Third Quartile = 3(n+1)/4
Maximum = the highest element of set.
Arrange the given in order. (58, 67, 70, 76, 82, 85, 89, 90, 97, 102),
The five number summary of (90, 85, 97, 76, 89, 58, 82, 102, 70, and 67) is,
Minimum = 58
First Quartile = (10+1)/4 = 2.75 (or 3) getting this answer you need to go back to the arranged given numbers and look for the 3rd number which is 70
Median: = (82+85)/2 = 83.5
Third Quartile = 3(10+1)/4 8.25 or 8th which is 90 in the arranged numbers.
Maximum = 102