Describe the different methods that individuals and groups (SCLC, CORE, SNCC, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, National Farm Workers Association, Japanese American Citizens League, National Organization of Women, etc.) used in the 1960s in promoting civil rights for all. Which do you think was more successful? Explain your answer

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There have been several different civil rights organizations that have worked to gain equal rights. However, there were many different methods used towards gaining rights.

One group was known as the Black Panther Party, or "Black Panthers." This organization believed that armed confrontation was the most productive way to fight for equal rights. SCLC was another well-known organization. This was a church-based group that dedicated itself to peaceful protests and believed in nonviolent civil rights methods. SNCC also fought for civil rights and social improvement. However, this group organized voter education projects, which helped intimidated people exercise their voting rights.
These are three examples of different methods that were used with the purpose of promoting civil rights. Some parties believed in armed confrontation, whereas others believed in nonviolent, organized demonstration.

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