Respuesta :

According to the Stages of Cognitive Development by Jean Piaget, in the Sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years), the child experience the world through senses and movements. In Gwyneth's case, her granddaughter is already 6 months old. The baby is in the Secondary Circular Reactions stage of Object Permanence. In that stage, the baby is now aware of things and try to grasp it, and they realize that a whole object exist even though they can only able to see a part.

Gwyneth can help her granddaughter develop object permanence by playing peek-a-boo or hide-and-seek with toys. She can show her a toy or a ball, then slowly hide it under a towel or cloth. She can ask "Where's the ball?" followed by uncovering it saying "Here's the ball!". The baby will understand that the toy did not really disappeared when it is covered.  This activity is effective not only to interact but also to help her granddaughter facilitate her intellectual and emotional development.