Is the data set “heights of the women in the U.S. Congress” quantitative or qualitative? If it is quantitative, is it discrete or continuous?

Respuesta :

The data is quantitative because you can average the data. It is not a label.
It is continuous because there are more than integer values of heights.

Answer with explanation:

The  “heights of the women in the U.S. Congress” is Quantitative,because height of person does not represent Quality, it shows "Quantity".It means it has Magnitude.

We can find mean , median and mode of women in Congress.

So, Height of women in US congress is Quantitative.

As, different Women have different Heights, that is any rational number , so The Height of different women will be a discrete data set.For, example, height of different women can be={167 cm, 187.6, 176.6,165.5,.....}