Respuesta :
The personality test is composed of a series of true and false questions in order to establish an individual’s clinical profile.
The result of personality test is often used by human resource to predict the basic personality of a candidate in order to determine whether the candidates are fit to fill the position or not.
The result of personality test is often used by human resource to predict the basic personality of a candidate in order to determine whether the candidates are fit to fill the position or not.
The personality test is composed of a series of true and false questions in order to establish an individual's clinical profile.
Further Explanation
Personality tests are tests that are used to guess applicants' traits and characters. The characteristics of workers sought are likely to be consistent and capable.
General definitions of personality tests are techniques for validating or rejecting hypotheses in mental measurements that will produce scores to compare between two or more people.
The following are some types of personality tests:
- DAP (Drawing People) personality test is a test used to assess a person's personality and character through analyzing the pictures of people made by test takers.
- Baum (Tree Test) personality test is a test used to assess the personality and character of a person by analyzing the tree image made by the test participants.
- Personality Enneagram Personality test is a test that is used to determine someone's personality or character which is divided into 9 types, namely through how to present a number of specific questions.
- Personality test Self-effectiveness is a test used to find out the effective level (fast and precise) of a person in carrying out tasks and completing various difficult circumstances.
- HTP (House Tree Person) personality test is a test that is used to assess a person's personality and character through analyzing tree images, pictures of houses and pictures of people made by the test takers.
- EPPS personality test is a personality test that is used to determine the types of motivation, likes and personal needs of a person by presenting a number of specific questions.
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Personality Test
Types of personality test
Class: High School
Subject: Social Studies
Keyword: personality, test, profile