What are lifestyle factors that people can change to improve their health? Knowledge of common risk factors, level of physical activity and ways of reacting to conflict.

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Sorry about being the first to answer this after so long.
Nearly 70% of "being healthy" comes from diet or lifestyle.  Veganism is a great contribute to extending the life approximately 7-10 years on average and offers an extent of benefits such as clearer skin, better digestion, weight loss, etc.  For instance, vegan diets tend to be richer in certain nutrients, protects against certain cancers, and is even linked to a lower risk of heart disease.  It is important to avoid animal by-products and work out at least a minimal amount to keep the body moving.  Drugs, alcohol, and other harmful substances should always be avoided and discarded.  Living stress free may be hard, but is imperative to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Living this way offers a life of happiness and other health benefits as well.