How many possible 10-digit phone numbers with the area code 617 are there? (any decimal digit can be the digit of a phone number. For instance the number 617−000−0000 is a possible phone number)

Respuesta :

If all digits are possible and we are restricted to the 617 area code, then there are:

10^7 possible numbers  

Because each digit can have 10 possible values from 0 through 9, you get

10*10*10*10*10*10*10 which is just 10^7

10,000,000  (ten million)



This is the answer because you have to do 10^7 because 3 of ten dights are filled so you have seven dights remaining. And yeah, i already checked it in my homework thingy fir RSM cuz I had the same problem. So yeah. I hope everyone who sees this has a lovely and beautiful day.

Quote of the day is: Everyone Suffers. Thats the truth. You have you pain and I have mine. But in your life, you pain will come to an end. Don't waste good opportunities and don't be afraid to hide yourself of how you look, or act, or your race and sexuality. Think of it like this, if your pain is a dark tunnel, you are so close to the end you can almost touch the light, so keep moving!


                              Hope everyone has a great day and an amazing life ahead

Universidad de Mexico