Sorry for my bad English and for that nonsense that you'll now read
History is often falsified. The ones who have power and money can make the world believe they were true heroes, while actually they were awful people.In medieval ages this was done by many kings.One of them even invented his one religion to divorce with his wife ( Ann Boleyn and Tudor - Protestants .)They say everyone is equal and has the same rights - but in reality the strongest wins - and that is how the world works in real life. Who has more power can achieve more goals have more land, more money - for example american people when they had black people as slaves - it is about race and class. In Africa where level of life and education was very low - they were used by people were richer at that time.Many documents and events very often we will never hear about - and what we will read in books is it what our governement allows us to know - because nobody needs highly educated people right now, because they are dangerous - they can start rebelions.USSR is another example how history can be portraited as leaders want to see - people read books where was writen how wonderfull is comunism how wonderfull is to live in such enviroment and nobody wrote about how people who didn't do anything got in jail for life, how many were killed, how the nation was very weak and coudn't resist the cold war with America.Donald Trump is now president of US . Would he still be one if he wouldn't be born in a rich family, white race and he would be a woman? We can only quess..