Respuesta :

1. Practice persistence
What’s the one common attribute high achievers share above anything else? PERSISTENCE. When they have a goal, they simply refuse to give up until they reach it – no matter what roadblocks life throws in their way.
2. Face what isn’t working

If you are going to become more successful, you have to get out of denial and face isn’t working in your life. Are your goals simply too big to accomplish in the time you have available? Are you lacking some essential skills required to achieve them? Are you in denial about the amount of support you need?

Successful people face these circumstances squarely, heed the warning signs, and take appropriate action, no matter how uncomfortable or challenging it might be.
4. Stay motivated with the masters

Motivation comes from within – but sometimes you need an external nudge to push you forward in the right direction. That’s why I’m a firm believer in reading, watching, or listening to something that motivates you every day – even if it’s only for 15 minutes.
5. Take BOLD actions to get BIG results

When you start a new project, take on a new venture, or put yourself out there, there is usually some fear. Unfortunately, most people let fear stop them from taking the necessary steps to achieve their dreams.