
Fill in the blood type for samples of the following scenarios. a ) __________ anti-A not present, anti-B present, anti-Rh present b) __________ anti-A present, anti-B not present, anti-Rh not present c) __________ anti-A not present, anti-B not present, anti-Rh not present d) __________ anti-A present, anti-B present, anti-Rh present e) __________ anti-A not present, anti-B not present, anti-Rh present

Respuesta :

During blood typing, the blood plasma is checked for antibodies. This is what is meant by "anti" in the statements. Keep in mind that if the antibody against a specific blood type is present, the blood cannot have that type. So, if anti-A is present, the blood type is not A.
Moreover, the Rh antigen determines the positive (present of Rh) and negative (absence of Rh) nature of blood type. If the anti-Rh is present, the blood type is negative. Using this information, we see that:
a) A negative
b) B positive
c) AB positive
d) O negative (O because both anti-A and anti-B are present)
e) AB negative (AB because neither anti-A and anti-B are present)