Respuesta :

Feco-oral route --> unwashed hands contain fecal coliforms which spread to anything hands touch if not washed properly with soap
Respiratory droplets --> couching can spread certain pathogens that cause pharyngitis, bronchitis, flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and even meningitis

The answer you are looking for is touching contaminated objects

Some pathogens can survive for a period of time outside a person’s body. These pathogens can be spread from person to person on objects such as doorknobs, eating utensils, towels, and needles used for body piercings and tattoos. If you drink from a cup used by an infected person, you can become infected as well. If you touch a desktop or money that has been sneezed or coughed on, or contaminated in some other way, you can become infected when you touch your eyes, your mouth, or your food. This is why it is always a good idea to wash your hands often, especially before eating.\

Have a great day!!!!!!