Respuesta :
Sugar act-To pay Britain's huge war debt
Stamp act -The Act was enacted in order to defray the cost of maintaining the military presence protecting the colonies. Britain also needed money to repay the suppliers from the French and Indian War, which had been very costly, even though Great Britain had been victorious in 1763.
Stamp act -The Act was enacted in order to defray the cost of maintaining the military presence protecting the colonies. Britain also needed money to repay the suppliers from the French and Indian War, which had been very costly, even though Great Britain had been victorious in 1763.
the sugar act- British legislation aimed at ending the smuggling trade in sugar and molasses from the French and Dutch West Indies and at providing increased revenues to fund enlarged British Empire responsibilities following the French and Indian
stamp act- imposed a direct tax on the colonists. Specifically, the act required that, starting in the fall of 1765, legal documents and printed materials must bear a tax stamp provided by commissioned distributors who would collect the tax in exchange for the stamp.