A limitation of the symbolic-interaction approach is that it ________ is not concerned with the meaning people attach to behavior. is not focused on macro-level social structures. does not use the sociological perspective. does not focus on the widespread influence of culture.

Respuesta :

A limitation of the symbolic-interaction approach is that it _inequality___ is not concerned with the meaning people attach to behavior. is not focused on macro-level social structures. does not use the sociological perspective. does not focus on the widespread influence of culture.

Based on the choice of answers it can be concluded that the weakness of the symbolic interaction approach is that not using a sociological perspective.

Further explanation

Symbolic interaction theory is a theory that was built in response to psychological theories of behaviorism, behaviorism, ethnology, and structural-functionalist psychology. This theory is developed in the field of social psychology and sociology and has a set of premises about how an individual and society are defined through interactions with others where communication and participation play a very important role.

In the tradition of approaches in communication science research, symbolic interaction theory is rooted in semiotics and phenomenology. So it can be said that symbolic interactionism is the most influential theory in the history of the field of communication studies.

As we have understood together, communication is the process of forming meaning through messages, both verbal and nonverbal messages in the form of symbols, signs, and behavior. Meaning as understanding the message given by another person cannot occur unless both parties or communication participants can obtain the same meaning for each word, phrase, or verbal code.

From this explanation, it appears that as a process of forming meaning, communication has several communication principles including that communication begins with self and communication always involves other people, for example, the community in a broad context. This is what George Herbert Mead tried to explain, known as the main initiator of the theory of symbolic interaction. Thus, the symbolic interaction theory is a theory that emphasizes the role of communication in forming and managing interpersonal relationships and social groups.

The weaknesses of the symbolic interaction approach include the following:

  • Symbolic interaction theory is seen as too narrow in his research.
  • Symbolic interaction theory has an overly broad approach.
  • The theory of symbolic interaction is generally passed in its conclusion because it does not meet the criteria of a good theory.
  • Symbolic interaction theory does not examine human emotions in the sense that the symbolic interaction theory is not psychological.
  • Symbolic interaction theory is only interested in the limited scope of social structure in the sense that the symbolic interaction theory is not sociological.
  • Symbolic interaction theory describes meaning as something that blends on its own during interactions under certain conditions.
  • Symbolic interaction theory is considered too subjective because of its proximity to research subjects.

There are several benefits of symbolic interaction, including the following:

  • Understand the basic premise of symbolic interaction theory.
  • Understand the basic assumptions of symbolic interaction theory.
  • Understand the main principles in symbolic interaction theory.
  • Understand how interpersonal perception influences interpersonal communication.
  • Understand the self-concept and identity process.
  • Understand gender construction and sexuality.
  • Understand the process of forming impressions.
  • Understanding its implementation in various studies that have been conducted by experts.

Learn more

The symbolic-interaction approach https://brainly.com/question/4142906, https://brainly.com/question/1305928


Class: High School

Subject: Social studies

Keyword: The symbolic-interaction approach. Lack of symbolic-interaction approach, Benefits of the symbolic-interaction approach

Universidad de Mexico