Respuesta :

 Caesar refused to disband his army and return to Rome to face charges of insubordination and treason after he had completed the conquest of Gaul.


The Senate ordered Julio Caeser to withdraw his combat troops, which he refused to do.


In 50 BC, the Roman Senate was controlled by Pompey, who ordered Caesar (after a ten-year successful government in Gaul) to demobilize (nullify combativeness), which was not accepted by Caesar. Caesar followed with his legions to the Rubicon River, easily occupying Rome and thus began an open war against Pompey, seeking Roman rule. After two years of struggle in 48 BC Caesar conquers the battle of Farsalo, Pompey flees, but is killed in Egypt a month later. Caesar conquers the supreme power of Rome.

During his small government, Caesar succeeded in halving the number of Roman citizens dependent on the state's bread ration, and reforming the calendar (main work).