(HC) Read the two fictional conflicts below. Using complete sentences, explain how the differences in setting might affect the protagonist. Story A: A boy gets caught stealing an apple in a crowded high school lunchroom. Story B: A boy gets caught stealing an apple in a four-person lifeboat that has been drifting at sea for three days.

Respuesta :

You could say something along the lines of in Story A, people wouldn't care much because there is a lot of food there, and there wouldn't be much punishment, compared to how there is scarcely any food in Story B, on a four person lifeboat at sea, where he would be punished severely because that apple would be worth much more.


I will be giving multiple answers so you guys have more to choose from, they are both right.


Answer 1 : There are many ways the two fictional conflicts can be changed with differences in setting might affect the protagonist . So comparing story A to story B I would say that the boy in story B every one will be more mad at him due to how that apple is much more important to them, then it is to the other people then it is to people then in story A .

Answer 2 : The conflict in the lunchroom probably won't have very serious consequences, but the conflict on the lifeboat could be very dangerous. The boy at school might get suspended or embarrassed in front of friends, but he could learn his lesson and be forgiven because he did not hurt anyone. The boy on the boat may have taken food that would help others survive. Depending on how desperate and angry the other survivors become, the boy might be in real danger. Moving the setting from Scene A to B changes the intensity of the conflict.