Match the author to his work.
1. Samuel Johnson -- Life of Alfred the Great
2. William Roper -- Life of Johnson
3. John Aubrey -- Brief Lives
4. Bishop Asser -- Life of Sir Thomas More
5. James Boswell -- Life of Wolsey
6. George Cavandish -- Lives of the Poets

Respuesta :

1. Samuel Johnson /  Live of the poets
2. William Roper  / Life of sir thomas
3. John Aubrey   / Brief lives
4. Bishop Asser   / Life of Alfred the great
5. James Boswell / Life of johnson
6. George Cavandish / lLife of Wolsey

1. Samuel Johnson /  Lives of the poets

Samuel Johnson wrote Lives of the Poets in 1779

2. William Roper  -- Life of Sir Thomas

The Life of Sir Thomas More is a biography, written by William Roper, of the 16th century saint best known for the seminal work Utopia.

3. John Aubrey  -- Brief Lives

Brief Lives is a collection of short biographies written by John Aubrey

4. Bishop Asser  -- Life of Alfred the great

Asser’s Life of Alfred in was published in 1574.

5. James Boswell -- Life of Johnson

The work was a popular and critical success when first published in 1791.

6. George Cavendish -- Life of Wolsey

Cavendish wrote this book about Thomas Wolsey in 1815.