Respuesta :
3- The correct answer is B. During the Presidential election of 1848, southern leaders felt that the government should stay out of issues regarding slavery.
4- The correct answer is A. The senator from Kentucky who introduced the Missouri Compromise was Henry Clay.
5- The correct answer is D, as the first commander of the Union troops was Winfield Scott, not mentioned in the chart.
6- The correct answer is D, as Admiral Andrew Foote was the one that used gun boats to secure the Mississippi.
7- The correct answer is C, as the Free Soil Party was formed in 1848 because of a strong belief in pro-slavery issues.
3- The presidential elections of 1848 were very contested elections. President James Polk, who had practically fulfilled all his objectives in his mandate, and with a very delicate state of health that would end his life before four months after leaving the presidency, fulfilled his promise not to stand for re-election.
In this context, both the Whig Party and the Democrats fought to impose their views on the elections and take them to the White House. The Democrats, widely predominant in the south, were convinced that the federal government should not intervene in matters related to slavery, but that it should be left to the free decision of each of the states.
4- The Missouri Compromise was an agreement made in 1820 between the representatives of the slave and abolitionist states in the United States Congress in relation to the regulation of slavery in the Western territories, proposed by Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky.
5- Winfield Scott was the general of the Army of the United States until 1861, shortly after the beginning of the Civil War, when he left his post at 75 years of age.
6- Andrew Hull Foote was an American naval officer distinguished by his participation in the Civil War. When the war broke out he was appointed commander of the Western Gunboat Flotilla, the predecessor of the Mississippi River Squadron. In this role, he commanded his gunboats at the Battle of Fort Henry. For his accomplishments in commanding the Western Flotilla, Foote became one of the first naval officers to be promoted to the newly formed Rear Admiral rank.
7- The Free Soil Party was a short-lived political party in the United States, active during the presidential elections of 1848 and 1852. Its main purpose was to oppose the expansion of slavery in the western territories, with the argument that free men in free soil made up a system morally and economically superior to that of slavery.