
Read Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles. The Allied governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied governments and their peoples have been subjected as a consequence of the war. What was the consequence of Germany having to accept this article?

Respuesta :

Germany lost it's colonies and had to take full responsibility for the war, Germany also could not have a military larger than 100,000 men and a navy of only 6 ships, and it was not allowed to place any troops in the Rhineland. Germany had to pay £6,600 million 'reparations' for damage done.

Answer:  Germany would have to pay war reparations.


The Treaty of Versailles, which came out of the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, was very punitive towards Germany.  Germany was forced to admit responsibility for causing the Great War (World War I).  We now call that "the war guilt" clause of the treaty.   Since Germany was held responsible by that clause of the treaty, Germany also was forced to pay large reparation payments to the Allies (who opposed Germany in the war).  

The German economy and national pride were deeply wounded by the terms imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.  Coupled with that, the Great Depression (which had worldwide impact) made the economic situation even worse.  The bad situation in Germany made it possible for a radical leader like Hitler, making all sorts of bold promises, to win over enough people to rise to power.  Hitler promised a return to national greatness and fiercely rebuilt Germany as a military machine.  The rise of Hitler and the Nazis brought about World War II in Europe.