1. Let the given line be the graph of function f.
2. Let g be the inverse function f.
3. If f(a)=b then g(b)=a. So if point (a, b) is on the original line, point (b, a) will be on its inverse.
4. Take a look at the choices we have.
In A, the first point is (-2, -11), which means that in the line we should have (-11, -2). Clearly we don't.
In C, point (-11, 2) tells us that we should have point (2, -11) in the line, but clearly 2 is matched to a value close to -1
In D, (2, -11) indicates that (-11, 2) is in the lone, but is not even close.
check: All (-2, 11), (-1, 8), (0, 5), (2, -1) are in the given line