Respuesta :

Communist is the correcto answero 




Communism is a social system, as well as a mode of socioeconomic organization, characterized by the common property of the means of production, the absence of private property in the means of production and the absence of social classes and a State.

Communism as a project of socialization of the means of production emerged in the sixteenth century in the form of various utopias based on agrarian collectivism. The best known were the work Utopia by Tomás Moro and the Babuvina revolutionary ideology that derived from the Jacobin movement of the French Revolution. The communist ideology became at the beginning of the 19th century a complex industrial economic project thanks to the different currents of the so-called utopian socialism, of anarcho-communism and the worker branches of Christian communism. The currently most known of these movements was adopted by the school of so-called scientific socialism of the German thinkers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, under which it would be renamed the League of Communists. Because of the influence of his work, the communist movement adopted a revolutionary interpretation of history and the form of political party, later becoming a unified international organization under Marxist doctrine.