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It is a. the individual. it is considering everyone as a human being and avoid wrong doing towards your fellow human.
the individual
According to humanism, man (individually) is the center of attention and responsible solely in the universe for it previously had been taught that a God was to be acknowledged as the source and authority that demanded worship and obedience and dictated rules of behavior as many religions teach.
Humanistic thinking displaces irrational, or superstitious system of thinking and organizing politics and social life. As individuals have use of reason and have developed systems of thought that encourage acting responsibility, individuals are to address the problems they face in ordinary life using science and rational thinking as instruments.
The development of science and humanities gave a new dimension to civilized countries that began to give less importance to the prior notions that were present in superstition, metaphysics and religion.
A shift of paradigm occurred as scientific and social change occurred.