After clara learned that penguins are birds that cannot fly, she had to modify her existing concept of birds. this best illustrates the process of _____.

Respuesta :

Answer:  "accommodation".


Further explanation

Why some birds cannot fly?

There are a number of factors that influence the flight phenomenon like natural selection, their feeding behavior and their habitat . As we know that birds have modifications according to their surrounding environment or their feeding behavior same matter is with penguins they live in an environment where they have to feed in water that’s why they swim rather than flying and their body is modified for swimming  

Types of birds

 Flying birds

 Flightless birds

Flying birds are modified for flight its common example is sparrow

While flightless birds are either runners or swimmers like ostrich is modified for running and penguin for swimming.


Petrels were ancestors of penguins and their wing were modified for aerial flight only latter on they give rise to diving petrels which were able for aerial fight as well as submarine flight and in last finally penguins evolved which are modified for submarine flight only.

Morphology and habitat of penguins  

They are found in southern hemisphere. While some people think that they live in Antarctica only that is a wrong concept They are also called marine birds and like to live in cold climate. Their body is white and black in color and is modified for swimming. They are carnivorous and directly feed on fish which they capture from marine water.

Answer details

Subject: Biology

Level: High school

Key words

Why some birds cannot fly?

• Types of birds

• Penguins

• Morphology and habitat of penguins

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