help please im terrible at taking test and passing them! please and thank you very much
1.which economic problem did many latin american nations face in the years following ww2?
small population
a large middle class
lack of investment capital
low agricultural output

2.which was an affect of industrialization in latin american nations during the post war years?
decreased global trade
rising urban trade
more emphasis on farming

3. which was not a reason for u.s. intervention in latin american during the cold war era?
allende's rise in chile
sandinista control of nicaragua
argentinas invasion of thr falkland islands
civil was in el salvador

4. which was not a result of u.s. intervention in latin american during the cold war era?
the economy of brazil collapsed
the military took control of chile
war beteen the contras and the sandinistas in nicaragua intensified
fighting contuined agianst the guerillas in el salvador

5.which latin american was controlled by fidel casto?

6.which describes the main purpose of the organization of american states(OAS)?
encourage u.s. military involvement in latin america
provide a way to encourage regional cooperation in latin america
create a single economy in latin america
combat the influence of latin america drug lords

7. which best decribes the rise to power of mao zedong?
support by wealthy chinese landowners, he led a popular revolution
with the backing of the united states, he overthrew a communist regime
as the head of nationalist army, he defeated traditional warlords
leading an army of rural peasants, he launched a communist revolution

8.which does not describe chinas great leap forward?
an attempt to increase industrial productivity
a military alliance with the soviet union
a program designed to modernize the country
a 15 year plan

9.who was a key leader in indias independance movement?
jawaharlal nehru
aung san suu kyi
ferdinand marcos
deng xiaoping

10.for which is mohandas gandhi best known?
opposition to hindus holding political office
attempt to create an islamic nation
use of passive resistance to achieve independence
encouragement of any means necessary to end british rule

11.which presents the most serious ongoing challenge to modern india?
entrenched communist government
high tariffs
low population growth
widespread poverty

12.which describes a cause of the war in vietnam
wartime alliance between hi chi minh and imperial japan
u.s. support for the viet cong
power struggle between communist and noncommunist government
japans refusal to give up cliams to indochina after world war II

13.which was not an outcome of the war in vietnam?
reunification of north vietnam and south vietnam
strengthened repution of the united states
a communist dictatorship
mass killing in combodia

Respuesta :

1.) B, a large middle class
2.) C, rising urban trade
3.) B, 
sandinista control of nicaragua
4.) C, 
war beteen the contras and the sandinistas in nicaragua intensified
5.) A, 

1. Lack of investment capital

After the world war 2, most european countries focused their capital on rebuilding their nations and covered the large expenses that incurred in the world war 2.

At that time, Latin America countries still reliant on western capital for their economy. Because of this, they receive lack of investment capital.

2. rising urban trade

During the industrialization, many citizens in Latin American nations decided to move to urban area in order to find job opportunities.

The increase in population opened up the opportunity for small businesses too, leading to a rise in the Urban trade.

3. argentinas invasion of the falkland islands

Argentinas invastion of the Falkland Islands created a conflict between Argentina and Great Britain.

Even though Great Britain was considered as United States' greatest ally, United states did not make any intervention to help Great Britain during the invasion.

4. the economy of brazil collapsed

Brazil is a country that possess many natural resoruces. During the world war II, the demand for Brazil's natural resource was increased.

Because of this, Brazil actually can sustain a healthy economic growth during the world war ii, Their economy never collapsed because of it,

5. Cuba

Fidel Castro managed to won the heart of Cuban people with the help of the soviet union who wanted Castro to implemented communism in Cuba

He managed to held the highest position in Cuban government from  1976 -2008 before eventually Preceded by José Miró Cardona

6. provide a way to encourage regional cooperation in latin america

Due to its close proximity, it is actually profitable for countries in latin America to conduct a regional cooperation for the movement of their economic resources. Currently, the organization had around 35 countries and still operate Similar to the European Union.

7. leading an army of rural peasants, he launched a communist revolution

The communism view introduced by Mao Zedong was very appealing to the poor peasants of China (since it advocated for more social welfare by increasing  income taxes) . Due to the overwhelming support from the people, Mao Zadong became succesful in his communist revolution and became one of the most respected leader in China ever since.

8. a 15 year plan

The 15 year plan of China's great leap forward was iemd to increase industrial activity and was a program designed to modernize the country.

By implementing this plan, China hope that it can advance and keep up with other foreign nations in the international trade. The plan is proven to be succesful. Currently China has the strongest economy in the world.

9. Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru played a crucial role during the independent movement because he received direct tutelage under Mahatma Gandhi and trusted to follow his footsteps after he's gone.

Due to his efforts, he was granted the position as 1st prime minister of India after they received their independence.

10. use of passive resistance to achieve independence

Gandhi's relied on peaceful effort to achieve the independence rather than millitary confrontation.

Gamdhi led many peaceful rallies to protest the occupations made by the British empire, and influence other Indian people  to refuse to cooperate with the legislations made by the British government.

11. widespread poverty

Currently, the largest population of poor Indian citizens are located on northern India and Eastern India.

It's predicted that around 30% of the people who live in this territories are earning less than $1.25 per day from their jobs and unable to fulfill their basic needs.

12. a power struggle between communist and noncommunist governments

At that time, vietnam was divided into two. The northern vietnam promote communist government while the southern vietnam promote a democracy.

The reason for united states' involvement in the Vietnam war is because united states want south vietnam to win the power struggle and not letting itself being controlled by the soviet union.

13. strengthened reputation of the United States,

The war in vietnam resulted in an embarassing defear for United states millitary. Since United states held the reputation as the leader of the free world, the defeat in a country with less advanced technology and weaker economy than united states extremely damage the reputation of united states in the eyes of people all across the globe.