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Black Panthers and AIM
- The Black Panther Party, originally called the Black Panther Party of Self-Defense, and popularly known as the Black Panthers, was a black, socialist and revolutionary nationalist organization active in the United States between 1966 and 1982, which also had an international chapter in Algeria between 1969 and 1972. The persecution The government initially led to great party growth, and the assassinations and detentions of its members increased their support among the black community and the left parties, which saw the party as a powerful force opposing racial segregation and military service. The party reached its apogee in 1970, with offices in 68 cities and thousands of militants, but from then on it began to decline. After being vilified by the mainstream media, the support of the population fell, and the group suffered a progressive isolation.
- The American Indian Movement or AIM, was a civil rights organization of the United States founded in 1968, originally created to help the indigenous displaced people of the cities, through government programs. With the contemporary explosion of the Black Panthers, and the organizations inspired by it (Boinas Cafés, the Red Guards Party, etc.), they used the structure and mode of action of the former, combining them with traditional elements of the aboriginal struggle. Over time, he endeavored to expand his efforts to support demands for economic independence, autonomy over tribal areas, the restoration of illegally confiscated lands and the protection of the legal rights and traditional culture of indigenous people. Some of their protest activities were involved in violence, being announced to the four winds. Internal disputes and the imprisonment of some of its leaders resulted in the dissolution of its national leadership in 1978, although the local unions have continued with their function.