What are the wavelengths of the mean echolocation clicks of bottlenose dolphins and killer whales? Remember, these echolocation clicks are measured in kilohertz!

What are the wavelengths of the mean echolocation clicks of bottlenose dolphins and killer whales Remember these echolocation clicks are measured in kilohertz class=

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Echolocation is also called bio sonar. It is the sonar used by several kinds of animals that enables them to locate and discriminate objects by projecting high-frequency sound waves and listening for echoes as the sound waves reflect off objects. 
Dolphins and whales make these sounds at any time and at considerable depths. Sounds vary in volume, wavelength, frequency, and pattern.
The wavelength depends on the speed of propagation (c).wavelength=c/f The speed of sound in water is c= 1450 m/s. 
So, for bottlenose delphins the wavelength is:1450m/s /  110.5 kHz
1450 m/s /  110500 Hz =0.013 m = 0.13 mm
For whales  the waveleng42.5 th is:1450m/s /  42.5 kHz = 
1450m/s /  42500 Hz= 0.034 m = 0.34 mm