Respuesta :

1/2 cup (90 grams) tapioca starch 1/8 cup (20 grams) finely ground corn flour (not masa harina) 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cane sugar 1 ounce grated, loosely packed sharp cheddar cheese (or cheese of your choice), melted with 1 tablespoon of water 1/8 to 1/4 cup (1 to 2 ounces) hot water, plus more for steaming Safflower oil, for frying Salt Cheese Powder (recipe follows) 
my answer -

To make cheese puffs, first you make a pâte a choux dough (pronounced “pat ah shoo”), which, if you’ve never made it before, can seem a little weird. Weird because most of us who bake are used to mixing dough ingredients together and then plopping them in the oven. With a pâte a choux dough, you essentially half cook the dough first, by adding flour to boiling water and butter, and stirring like a madman until you have a ball of dough the consistency of playdough. Then you mix in eggs and then the dough goes in the oven, where it puffs up as the water in the dough turns to steam and expands into air pockets.

The dough is used for making cream puffs, eclairs, cheese puffs (gougères), beignets, and even churros. David Lebovitz has a recipe for making a French tart crust with what looks to me to be essentially a pâte a choux dough, that has been getting raves. So, it’s a useful technique, and pretty easy, though the dough can be a little stiff to work by hand.


Happy to help you have an AWESOME!!! day ^-^