Translate these Latin verbs to English
1. petimus
2. veniunt
3. audiebant
4. sentiebatis
5. ducetis
6. interficiam
7. fecit
8. ductus erat
9. posita erit
10. munita erunt

Translate these Latin verbs to English 1 petimus 2 veniunt 3 audiebant 4 sentiebatis 5 ducetis 6 interficiam 7 fecit 8 ductus erat 9 posita erit 10 munita erunt class=
Translate these Latin verbs to English 1 petimus 2 veniunt 3 audiebant 4 sentiebatis 5 ducetis 6 interficiam 7 fecit 8 ductus erat 9 posita erit 10 munita erunt class=

Respuesta :

1. We are seek
2. They come
3. He heard
4. Think
5. You lead
6. You will kill
7. He has made
8. He had been led
9. We have been replaced
10. Will be protected
Hope it helped!
The answers are (in order); we seek, they come, listening, think;, ducetis, cut, he made, led, will be given, will be protected